
I have been working at Freshwater beach producing paintings on both Oil paper and larger pieces on canvas since the early 2000s. Freshwater beach is a beautiful swimming beach and is where a lot of children first learn to surf. They come from many different places because of its relative safety. With good safe sandbanks. I spent many days of my childhood there and lived there as a young adult.

I paint from a rock ledge above the beach that allows me privacy as it is in a narrow band of bush. I love to paint the crowd and how it moves as one organism like a school of fish or other animals that mass together. A mass of people and colour moving with the surf.

The conditions are constantly changing and there is always something happening. Beauty and drama. Joy and fear. The beach is a place of great beauty and fun but there is always danger. Sometimes I watch too far removed to do anything but wishing some people wouldn’t go where they go. Like a horror movie: ”Don’t do that…”

Big-swell March-Freshwater-Plein-air-Oil-on-oil-paper-75cm-x-85cm-framed-David-K-Wiggs-2018
Freshwater Canvas

Freshwater Mixed Media

Freshwater 50cm x 55cm
Freshwater 75cm x 85cm
Freshwater larger sizes
Freshwater 2017
Freshwater 2001-2016