The Sydney Harbour Bridge
I have looked at the bridge with awe all my life and have looked at it and wondered how to paint it and work with it as a subject giving it the respect it deserves. It is a huge subject and I have been working there on and off for the last few years.Producing a painting on canvas for a show at The Manly Art Gallery in 2013 and going from there. Apart from oil on canvas and oil paper I have been working with mixed media ie: Guache, charcoal, ink and acrylic. The Bridge is so solid but also very linear and surprisingly lacy looking so I think different drawing mediums for different lines and marks is what I’m exploring.
It is a great structure and I see it as a natural thing from the earth. Steel and stone but reconfigured and as the light changes through the day, the colour of the stone and steel change. It is also a big stage with an endless procession of people, cyclists, vehicles and trains crossing it.While planes and helicopters fly overhead.
Ibis and The Bridge of Choice (Referendum) Plein air
Ink and Gouache on paper 100cm x 150cm framed $5500
The Emerging Flag-Rain-Bridge Climbers and The Men In Orange-Plein air
Gouache-Acrylic-Ink and Charcoal on paper-100cm x 150cm framed and mounted under glass
End of Time Bridge and The Ibis of Doom-Plein air
Gouache-Ink and Charcoal on canvas-120cm x 180cm
$10 000